What is an air to water heat pump?

An air to water heat pump works by converting the heat energy in the outdoor air into heat used to warm up the hot water used for bathing and for your indoor heating system.
The air to water heat pump is electrically powered and delivers about five times as much heat energy as it uses in electrical energy, making this solution more energy efficient than all other heating sources on the market. The air to water heat pump is in all manners a more economical and sustainable alternative to both boilers and district heating.
Why should I invest in an air to water heat pump
There are several reasons why the air to water heat pump is a good and profitable investment.
First of all, an air to water heat pump facilitate recycling of the heat in the outdoor air in order to warm up your home and the water used in your radiators. This method is at the same time an environmentally friendly and cost-saving heating solution – especially when compared to heat sources such as oil or gas fired boilers.
You can look forward to saving more than fifty percent of your yearly heating expenses when replacing the old boiler or furnace with an air to water heat pump. Although this acquisition represents quite the financial expense, you can rest assured that the air to water heat pump will make its moneys worth within a very short period of time.
Do the climate a huge favor with an air to water heat pump
Furthermore, the air to water heat pump is the climate friendly solution. Because of the high utilization of the supplied energy, an air to water heat pump will not put an excessive load on the climate.
Therefore, you and your family can effectively reduce your carbon footprint by replacing the boiler with an air to water heat pump. Read more at Amalo.dk.